New Electrical Safety Laws in Queensland: How Bramwell Partners Can Help Your Business

Starting 1 January 2025, new laws in Queensland will enhance electrical safety protections for workers and the community. These changes will impact businesses across various industries, including plumbing, gas fitting, pest control, and electrical work. Here is what you need to know and how Bramwell Partners can assist in ensuring your business is compliant.

Bramwell Partners specialise in HR consulting and serve as WHS consultants for businesses around  Brisbane. Get in touch today to for more information about our services by dialling (07) 3630 5695 or emailing


Key Changes in Electrical Safety Laws

  1. Electrical Work Near Energised Equipment
    From 1 January 2025, businesses and workers must follow additional safety measures when working near energised electrical equipment (within three meters of exposed energised parts), responding to the risk of arc flash.
  2. Domestic Roof Space Work
    From 1 January 2025, workers entering or working in domestic roof spaces must de-energise relevant electrical installations or comply with other safety protocols. This applies to a range of industries, such as plumbing, gas fitting, and insulation work in domestic buildings.
  3. Water Equipment as ‘Prescribed Electrical Equipment’
    From 1 April 2025, water equipment will be classified as prescribed electrical equipment, meaning it must meet stricter electrical safety standards. This change impacts manufacturers, suppliers, and businesses working with water equipment.

How Bramwell Partners Can Help

These new regulations will affect a wide range of businesses, and compliance is essential to avoid penalties and ensure worker safety. Bramwell Partners offers expert advice and practical solutions to help your business navigate these changes:

  • Compliance Guidance: We will help ensure your business meets the new electrical safety requirements, including worker training and safety protocols.
  • Risk Management: We can assist in developing risk assessments and safety procedures for working near energized electrical equipment and in roof spaces.
  • Supply Chain Compliance: For businesses involved in the supply or use of water equipment, we can guide you through the new responsibilities for ensuring electrical safety in these products.


Get Ready for 2025

With these new regulations coming into effect in January and April 2025, businesses must act now to ensure compliance. Contact Bramwell Partners to learn how we can support your business in meeting these new electrical safety laws and maintaining a safe working environment.

If you need help with any other workplace safety management issues, reach out for a free consultation on (07) 3630 5695 or email