Swearing in the Workplace
Swearing in the Workplace Australians have grown accustomed to a workplace environment that can often be more relaxed and laid back than that of our international peers. We often consider our co-workers our mates, invite their families over for a Saturday BBQ and go on camping trips together. The days [...]
Working from Home: Staying Focused in a Relaxed Environment
Working from Home: Staying Focused in a Relaxed Environment We are entering a new time in our age. Most of us haven’t seen a pandemic like this in our lifetime. The last pandemic in Australia was the Spanish Flu which occurred just over 100 years ago. With the last [...]
Coronavirus – COVID 19 (as at 12 March 2020)
Coronavirus – COVID 19 (as at 12 March 2020) Employer Obligations Considering the recent Coronavirus pandemic, employers should be taking necessary precautions to manage their business’ exposure to risks evolving from the situation. With over 112 confirmed cases currently within Australia, it is prudent that employers are aware of their [...]
The Power of Delegation
The Power of Delegation Like most business owners when I started my business I did it because I was passionate and good at what I did. I thought “I should work for myself”. I really liked working with teams on performance development and culture. I am very compliance focused – [...]
Goal Setting In Your Life and Workplace
A Personal Goal Setting Story I have always considered myself a pretty good goal setter. I set a goal, work out a strategy and away I go working towards that goal. However, it is only recently that I have come to realise that achieving the goal is only a part [...]
Wage Theft – Important Legislative Changes in 2020
Wage Theft - Important Legislative changes in 2020 The Fair Work Commission, following a decision from the Full Bench, has determined that annualised salary clauses are to be inserted into a number of modern awards with effect from 1st March 2020. These changes introduce important new practices for HR and [...]